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Battling Chronic Stress and Anxiety


NeuroSession is a 90-minute wellness program built on neurobiological principles, designed to mitigate chronic stress, foster relaxation, and enhance overall well-being. This session incorporates biofeedback, a powerful tool that provides real-time insights into physiological signals and offers a tangible way to visualize and control the body’s response to stress. Please note that NeuroSession is not a substitute for massage therapy or medical treatment for musculoskeletal issues, but rather, it is a complementary approach focused on harnessing the power of neurobiology to improve wellness.


Preparation Phase

The session begins in a relaxing and comfortable environment designed to put clients at ease. We equip clients with a biofeedback headband that monitors brain activity, heart rate, and other physiological signals throughout the session.


Breath Work

Guided breathing exercises mark the start of the NeuroSession. The biofeedback data collected in real-time assists in tailoring the breathing techniques to each client’s needs. The physiological sigh—a deep inhalation, followed by a shorter one, and a long, slow exhalation—is one such technique, known for its stress-reducing and relaxation-inducing effects.


Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR)

Next, we introduce Progressive Muscle Relaxation, a practice that involves systematically tensing and relaxing individual muscle groups. Biofeedback data guides this process, enhancing bodily awareness and deepening the sense of relaxation, and setting the stage for the targeted neuro-tactile stimulation.


Targeted Neuro-Tactile Stimulation

Upon achieving a relaxed state, the practitioner applies gentle touch and pressure to specific areas related to the brain regions involved in stress regulation. The biofeedback headband provides real-time physiological responses to the touch, enabling the practitioner to adapt their techniques as necessary. This process can stimulate the body’s parasympathetic nervous system, promoting relaxation and well-being.


Focused Touch for Specific Client Concerns

This segment of the session is tailored to address specific issues identified by the client, such as inflammation or cognitive fog. The practitioner uses touch techniques designed to stimulate specific neurobiological responses tied to relief and resilience, with biofeedback data guiding the process for optimal results.


Guided Visualization and Reframing

The session culminates with guided visualization and cognitive reframing exercises, all under the watchful eye of biofeedback monitoring. The client visualizes their personal goals while the practitioner assists in reframing stressors, fostering resilience and aligning mental and physical wellness efforts.

Sound Therapy and Aromatherapy

Throughout NeuroSession, we incorporate sound therapy and aromatherapy to enhance relaxation and create a sensory-rich environment. Specific sound frequencies guide the brain into deeply relaxed states, while essential oils such as lavender and chamomile contribute to a calming atmosphere.

NeuroSession offers relief from chronic stress symptoms and fosters long-term resilience by training the brain and body to manage the stress response more effectively. By integrating neuroscientific and neurobiological principles with biofeedback, the NeuroSession bolsters resilience, balances brain chemistry, alleviates tension, and promotes overall well-being. Regular sessions can vastly improve stress management and contribute to a holistic wellness routine.

NeuroScience based = EVIDENCE-BASED

Book your NeuroSession Today!